This summer I’ve been working on a syllabus for an independent study that will help me gain credits towards my M.S. in Systems Science while achieving three personal research objectives.
Develop greater comfort with specific forms of discrete math, including set theory and graph theory, that are important for general systems research. 1
Gain a deeper understanding of how network science can be usefully applied to the analysis of blockchain-based systems. 2
Strengthen and clarify the theoretical foundations of an open-source software project for systems analysis I’ve been managing which is based on the theories and vision of George Mobus, which have been uniquely inspirational in my systems journey. 3
Here’s a full copy of the final syllabus for download.
If you have any questions or comments about the material or my research plans, or would like access to any specific readings mentioned, please comment or reach out!
Roberts, J., & Pinzon, K. (n.d.). Discrete Math.
Tasca, P., Liu, S., & Hayes, A. (2016). The Evolution of the Bitcoin Economy: Extracting and Analyzing the Network of Payment Relationships (SSRN Scholarly Paper 2808762).
Mobus, G. E. (2022). The Process of Deep Systems Analysis. In G. E. Mobus (Ed.), Systems Science: Theory, Analysis, Modeling, and Design (pp. 249–321). Springer International Publishing.
Shighai, I had presented a paper at ISSS's Conference in Holland. Because I use mathematical deduction I was criticized by some as "reductionist" and gave up the group for 30 years+. Now I am trying to fit back in
Thanks for your cogent explication of Bertallanfy's approach through Ashby. You really give me hope!
Looks more like a PhD dissertation to me! Wonderful.